Running The Marriage Course
Run The Marriage Course
This is an easy-to-run, practical, seven-session course that supports couples who want practical support to strengthen their relationship. No expertise is needed to run it. You may have experience working on your own marriage, or you are passionate about strengthening marriages and families in your community. You don’t need to be married to run The Marriage Course, but we recommend having a married couple on hand for support.
What you need to run The Marriage Course:
The Marriage Course DVD or free downloadable videos, with designated breaks for conversations.
Download on the Marriage Course Builder.
Leaders’ guide with clear instructions on how to host your course.
Download on the Marriage Course Builder.
Guest Journals (2 per couple).
Available from our shop.
As we watched the series, it has been a breath of fresh air for our community. It is convenient and simple to facilitate. Week by week, we haven’t seen the numbers taper off and, in fact, we’ve added couples taking the course. The team has put an outstanding resource together. There is no doubt the pastoral and evangelistic nature of The Marriage Course springboards everyone involved towards a biblically strong marriage.
Ryan (Dubai)
How to run?
The Marriage Course has been developed so that it is easy to run anywhere and by anyone. Here is a step-by-step “to do” list to get started.
Find everything you need, from tips and training to our new episodes, online in the Marriage Course Builder.
First things first: schedule a start date for your course and find a venue, ideally somewhere with plenty of space to provide privacy for couples.
Head to The Marriage Course Builder and register your course. This will enable you to explore the episodes and resources.
On our website you’ll also find training videos and materials for you and your team, helping to get everyone up to speed.
Before your first session, you’ll need to get the series online and buy or download Guest Journals for each guest and Leaders’ Guides for your team.
Finally, get inviting. The Marriage Course is a great opportunity to reach people outside the church walls. Find promotional materials on the Marriage Course Builder.
We’re here to help
Marriage Builder is your online access to The Marriage Course learning centre. It includes a planning tool, team training, and series material. It’s a free resource that supports you through your entire Marriage Course experience.
Learning Centre
The Learning Centre contains a series of videos and articles to equip you. They are divided into learning modules covering best practice so you’re set up to succeed.
Management and Planning Tool
The Management and Planning Tool helps you schedule your team training, course sessions, and time away. From this tool, you can also invite your team to the digital platform and access all the promotional materials for your course. You can also publish details of your course so that people can find you.
Series Material
In Materials, you can download all the video sessions and scripts for the The Marriage Course and The Pre-Marriage Course.
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